City Life Church

Mission Statement

The mission of City Life Church is to manifest the kingdom now by calling out disciples and renewing our neighborhoods.

City Life Church

Our Dream

  • We dream of a church of many ethnicities where people worship together, pray together, work together, dream together, and eat together.
  • We dream of a church that begins to feel, smell, and taste life in the Kingdom of God.
  • We dream of a church leadership team consisting of men and women with diverse ethnic and racial identities.
  • We dream of a church where we disciple the poor to share with those who have even less.
  • We dream of a church where we disciple those with more to curb consumption and generously help those in need.
  • We dream of a church that expresses itself creatively in problem-solving, worship, and community impact.
  • We dream of a church where individuals with diverse mental health experiences find wholeness in community.
  • We dream of a church that offers hospitality to strangers, immigrants, refugees, and newcomers.
  • We dream of a church that finds its purpose in the Father, follows the path of the Son, and receives its power from the Holy Spirit.
  • We dream of a church that values and depends upon community; it is a place where no one stands alone, no one rises to the top alone, and no one falls down alone.
  • We dream of a church that wrestles with the tension of caring for those both within and outside of the church.
  • We dream of a church where addicts are set free.
  • We dream of a church where those experiencing grief and sadness are carried by the community.
  • We dream of a church where people go to great lengths to find lost people—learning a new language, going to a foreign neighborhood, and stepping out of comfort zones.
  • We dream of a church that binds up the brokenhearted, proclaims freedom for captives, releases the prisoners from darkness, comforts the mourning, and bestows on the poor crowns of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and garments of praise instead of spirits of despair (Isaiah 61:1-3).
City Life Church

Core Practices

  1. The Practice of Diversity
    We celebrate and seek relationships that cross ethnic and socioeconomic boundaries in our church, recognizing that this reflects the Kingdom of God.

  3. The Practice of Equitable Relationships
    We celebrate and seek God’s design for relationships, displaying justice in care, distribution of resources, opportunity, leadership.

  5. The Practice of Sacrifice
    We celebrate Christ’s sacrifice for us and therefore sacrifice our time, energy, resources, and effort for the sake of his kingdom.

  7. The Practice of Team-based Ministry
    We celebrate and seek the interdependence of the church, recognizing that we can do more together than we can individually, and recognizing that we need one another to sharpen us.

  9. The Practice of Life Change
    We celebrate the metamorphosis of ungodly people into the people of God, challenging one another toward baptism and disciple-making, and leading one another on a trajectory toward holiness.

Denominational Affiliation:

Tuesday is FASTING DAY!