City Life Church sermons from 2024

City Life Church Service Podcasts

On this page you’ll find audio recordings of some of our 2024 sermons, and videos of some services. Most are grouped by sermon series. There’s also a podcast feed near the bottom of the page. We hope you’ll be blessed by and enjoy them all!


City Life Church - Manifest


How Christianity is more than just being nice

DATES: Sept. 22–Oct. 20

"The People of Lost Causes"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Sept. 22, 2024

"Something Extraordinary is Required"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Sept. 29, 2024

(“Something Extraordinary is Required” service – video)

"Heaven on Earth"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Oct. 6, 2024

"Hang-ups to Kingdom Life"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Oct. 13, 2024

(“Hang-ups to Kingdom Life” service – video)

"This or That?"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Oct. 13, 2024

(“This or That?” service – video)
City Life - Acts 2024


Acts of the Apostles

"Life Is Not Always Smooth Sailing"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Aug. 25, 2024

(“Life Is Not Always Smooth Sailing” service – video)

"Storm's a'Comin'!"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Sep. 1, 2024

(“Storm’s a’Comin’!” service – video)

"God in the Shipwreck"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Sep. 8, 2024

(“God in the Shipwreck” service – video)

"Weathering the Storm in Boldness and Grace"

– Rev. Dr. Christy Lipscomb | Sep. 15, 2024

The Fight

The Fight

DATES: July 14–28

Series scripture focus: Life of David
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of the many witnesses.” (1 Tim 6:11-12)

"Fight for Your Faith"

– Pastor Kirt Herbert | Jul. 14, 2024

"Fight for Your Character"

– Pastor Kirt Herbert | Jul. 21, 2024

(“Fight for your Character” service – video)

"Fight for Your Family"

– Pastor Kirt Herbert | Jul. 28, 2024

(“Fight for Your Family” service – video)
Shared Life

Shared Life

DATES: June 9–30

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

"Shared Life Through Gospel Chains"

– Rev. Phil Struckmeyer | Jun. 9, 2024

"Shared Life through Sheer Selflessness"

– Rev. Phil Struckmeyer | Jun. 16, 2024

(“Shared Life through Sheer Selflessness” service – video)

"To Know Christ and Make Him Known"

– Rev. Phil Struckmeyer | Jun. 23, 2024

(“To Know Christ and Make Him Known” service – video)

"Through Meeting Needs"

– Rev. Phil Struckmeyer | Jun. 30, 2024

(“Through Meeting Needs” service – video)
Finding My Story

Finding My Story in Scripture

DATES: May 19 & July 7

"Abide With Me"

– Rev. Jerry DeRuiter | May 19, 2024

(“Abide With Me” service – video)

"Discovering Your Purpose Through Your Story"

– Rev. Quese Allen | Jul. 7, 2024

City Life - The Road to Emmaus

The Road to Emmaus

DATES: April 21–May 5

[Spring Celebration] "On The Road"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Apr. 21, 2024

"Scripture is the Map"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Apr. 28, 2024

"Travel Companions"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | May 5, 2024

Death Will Not Triumph

JESUS: Death Will Not Triumph

DATES: April 7 & 14

"Easter for Doubters"

– Pastor Adam Lipscomb | Apr. 7, 2024


– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Apr. 14, 2024

City Life Church - I AM


We will explore the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John as we prepare for Easter.

"I Am the Bread of Life"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Feb. 18, 2024

"I Am the Light of the World"

– Pastor Phil Struckmeyer | Feb. 25, 2024

"I Am the Gate"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Mar. 3, 2024

"I Am the Good Shepherd"

– Rev. Dr. Debbye Turner Bell | Mar. 10, 2024

"I Am the True Vine"

– Pastor Phil Struckmeyer | Mar. 17, 2024

[Palm Sunday] "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Mar. 24, 2024

[Easter] "I Am the Resurrection and the Life"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Mar. 31, 2024

Boot Camp For Beggars


Prepare to have your mind blown about prayer! Learn how intercessory prayer is different from other kinds of prayer, and expect to learn and stretch into praying like never before!

"The Need to Intercede"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Jan. 21, 2024

"Unpopular Prayers"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Feb. 4, 2024

"Reporting for Duty"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Jan. 28, 2024

"Always Pray & Never Give Up"

– Pastor Christy Lipscomb | Feb. 11, 2024

City Life Church

VARIOUS TOPICS: Sermons Not Within a Series

Student Takeover Sunday: "Burning Bush Moments"

– Zoe DeWeerd | Jan. 7, 2024

[Ascension] "A Fresh Anointing"

– Rev. Kirt Herbert | May 12, 2024


– Rev. Michalla Arbour | May 26, 2024

(“Pentecost” service – video)

Youth Takeover Service

City Life Youth | June 2, 2024

"The Power of Prayer"

– Pastor Christian Arbour | Aug. 4, 2024

(“The Power of Prayer” service – video)

VBS Highlight

– Children’s Ministry Director Sara VanderVelde | Aug. 11, 2024

"Follow Me"

– Pastor Chase Stance | Aug. 18, 2024

(“Follow Me” service – video)

City Life Church services – current & past podcast feed…